Call for abstracts  

The call for abstracts for Symposium is now open!

Submit your abstract through the Abstract Submission Form below. 

The call for abstracts will close on 15 January 2024, 11 pm CET

The peer-review and selection process will take place in January 2024. 

Selection results will be communicated early February 2024.

Abstract Guidelines

Participants are welcome to submit abstracts in English.

Abstracts must be submitted via the online abstract submission link. Abstract submission guideline are here reported.

Presenter Agreement

All presenters agree to the following conditions when submitting an abstract:

Intend to register for and attend the 10th MR in RT Symposium and pay the appropriate registration fee by Feb. 29th 2024.

Abstract Submisson Form

Remember to consult the guidelinesfor submitting abstracts.

phiRO special issue

We are very happy to announce that the ESTRO journal “Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology” (phiRO) will dedicate a special issue to the Symposium.

Dr. Luca Boldrini and dr. Lorenzo Placidi, local organizers, will be guest editors. 

Submissions are welcome!